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Get record

Gets row data of the table by identifier

Function GetRecord(Val Token, Val Base, Val Table, Val Record) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Base--baseStringDatabase identifier
Table--tableStringTable identifier
Record--recordStringRecord identifier in the table

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Airtable

Code example
Base = "apptm8Xqo7TwMaipQ";
Table = "tbl9G4jVoTJpxYwSY";
Record = "recV6DxeLQMBNJrUk";

Response = OPI_Airtable.GetRecord(Token, Base, Table, Record); //Map
Response = OPI_Tools.JSONString(Response); //JSON string
CLI command example
oint airtable GetRecord --token %token% --base "apptm8Xqo7TwMaipQ" --table "tbl9G4jVoTJpxYwSY" --record "recV6DxeLQMBNJrUk"

"id": "recV6DxeLQMBNJrUk",
"createdTime": "2024-05-10T19:39:51Z",
"fields": {
"Number": 10,
"String": "Hello\n"