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Get calendar events structure

Returns the structure of the calendar event fields

Function GetCalendarEventsStructure(Val Clear = False) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeRequiredDescription
Clear--emptyBooleanTrue > structure with empty valuse, False > field descriptions at values

Returns: Structure Of KeyAndValue - Fields structure

1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
    Result = OPI_Bitrix24.GetCalendarEventsStructure();
    oint bitrix24 GetCalendarEventsStructure \
--empty true
"type": "<calendar type: user, group, company_calendar>",
"ownerId": "<calendar owner identifier>",
"from": "<event start date and time (as string)>",
"to": "<event end date (as string)>",
"from_ts": "<date and time in timestamp format (instead of from)>",
"to_ts": "<date and time in timestamp format (instead of to)>",
"section": "<calendar identifier>",
"name": "<event name>",
"skip_time": "<pass date value without time in from and to parameters: Y,N>",
"timezone_from": "<start time zone (default - t.z. of the user)>",
"timezone_to": "<end time zone (default - t.z. of the user)>",
"description": "<event description>",
"color": "<event background colour. Symbol # - in unicode format as %23>",
"text_color": "<the colour of the event text. Symbol # - in unicode format as %23>",
"accessibility": "<availability at the time of the event: busy, absent, quest, free>",
"importance": "<importance: high, normal, low>",
"private_event": "<private event: Y,N>",
"rrule": {
"FREQ": "<repetition rate: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY>",
"COUNT": "<number of repetitions>",
"INTERVAL": "<repetition interval>",
"BYDAY": [
"<days of the week: SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA>"
"UNTIL": "<repetition end date>"
"is_meeting": "<flag of meeting with participants: Y,N>",
"location": "<venue>",
"remind": [
"type": "<time type: min, hour, day>",
"count": "<numeric value of the time interval>"
"attendees": "<array of event participant IDs. If is_meeting = Y>",
"host": "<The identifier of the event organiser. If is_meeting = Y>",
"meeting": {
"notify": "<flag for notification of confirmation or cancellation of participants>",
"reinvite": "<flag for requesting re-confirmation of participation when editing an event>",
"allow_invite": "<flag to allow participants to invite others to the event>",
"hide_guests": "<flag to hide the list of participants>"