Get calednar custom settings structure
Gets an empty structure for setting custom calendar settings
Function GetCalednarCustomSettingsStructure(Val Clear = False) Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
Clear | --empty | Boolean | ✖ | True > structure with empty valuse, False > field descriptions at values |
Returns: Structure Of KeyAndValue - Fields structure
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Result = OPI_Bitrix24.GetCalednarCustomSettingsStructure();
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
oint bitrix24 GetCalednarCustomSettingsStructure \
--empty true
oint bitrix24 GetCalednarCustomSettingsStructure ^
--empty true
"view": "<standard presentation: day, week, month, list>",
"meetSection": "<invitation calendar>",
"crmSection": "<calendar for CRM>",
"showDeclined": "<show rejected events>",
"denyBusyInvitation": "<disallow invitations to an event if the time is full>",
"collapseOffHours": "<hide off hours: Y,N>",
"showWeekNumbers": "<show week number: Y,N>",
"showTasks": "<display tasks: Y,N>",
"syncTasks": "<synchronise the task calendar: Y,N>",
"showCompletedTasks": "<display completed tasks: Y,N>",
"lastUsedSection": "<default event calendar>",
"sendFromEmail": "<E-mail for sending invitations>",
"defaultSections": "<preset calendar settings>",
"syncPeriodPast": "<number of months to synchronise in the past period>",
"syncPeriodFuture": "<number of months to synchronise in the future period>",
"defaultReminders": {
"fullDay": [
"type": "<reminder time type: min, hour, day>",
"count": "<numeric value of the time interval>"
"withTime": [
"type": "<reminder time type: min, hour, day>",
"count": "<numeric value of the time interval>"