Upload file to the folder
Upload local file to the folder
Function UploadFileToFolder(Val URL, Val Name, Val File, Val FolderID, Val Token = "") Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
URL | --url | String | ✔ | URL of webhook or a Bitrix24 domain, when token used |
Name | --title | String | ✔ | File name with extension |
File | --file | String, BinaryData | ✔ | File for upload |
FolderID | --folderid | String | ✔ | Folder identifier |
Token | --token | String | ✖ | Access token, when app auth method used |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON of answer from Bitrix24 API
Method at API documentation: disk.folder.uploadfile
Parameters with Binary data type can also accept file paths on disk and URLs
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Filename2 = "Picture2.jpg";
Name = "Picture1.jpg";
Image2 = "https://api.athenaeum.digital/test_data/picture.jpg"; // Local path, URL or Binary Data
Image = "https://api.athenaeum.digital/test_data/picture2.jpg"; // Local path, URL or Binary Data
DestinationID = "28562";
URL = "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/rest/1/h0m...";
Result = OPI_Bitrix24.UploadFileToFolder(URL, Filename2, Image2, DestinationID);
URL = "b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by";
Token = "8536b467006e9f06006b12e400000001000...";
Result = OPI_Bitrix24.UploadFileToFolder(URL, Name, Image, DestinationID, Token);
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
oint bitrix24 UploadFileToFolder \
--url "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/rest/1/***" \
--title "Imortant doc.docx" \
--file "https://github.com/Bayselonarrend/OpenIntegrations/raw/main/service/test_data/document.docx" \
--folderid 28828
oint bitrix24 UploadFileToFolder ^
--url "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/rest/1/***" ^
--title "Imortant doc.docx" ^
--file "https://github.com/Bayselonarrend/OpenIntegrations/raw/main/service/test_data/document.docx" ^
--folderid 28828
"result": {
"ID": 12600,
"NAME": "Picture1.jpg",
"CODE": null,
"STORAGE_ID": "3",
"TYPE": "file",
"PARENT_ID": "12582",
"FILE_ID": 8674,
"SIZE": "805191",
"CREATE_TIME": "2024-10-09T09:20:27+03:00",
"UPDATE_TIME": "2024-10-09T09:20:28+03:00",
"DELETE_TIME": null,
"CREATED_BY": "1",
"UPDATED_BY": "1",
"DELETED_BY": null,
"DOWNLOAD_URL": "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/rest/download.json?auth=6b2e0667006e9f06006b12e4000000010000072c4914d2a629a27f8e468fd6a8ba64ff&token=disk%7CaWQ9MTI2MDAmXz13R0UzRTVSSkd0QjdkRG50RUlNRXFPTW9YOXY4ZDJSdQ%3D%3D%7CImRvd25sb2FkfGRpc2t8YVdROU1USTJNREFtWHoxM1IwVXpSVFZTU2tkMFFqZGtSRzUwUlVsTlJYRlBUVzlZT1hZNFpESlNkUT09fDZiMmUwNjY3MDA2ZTlmMDYwMDZiMTJlNDAwMDAwMDAxMDAwMDA3MmM0OTE0ZDJhNjI5YTI3ZjhlNDY4ZmQ2YThiYTY0ZmYi.Cqt7v%2BQbuicLFUvKMHOeSmN9P5txXsdUHdLBs9FfHOU%3D",
"DETAIL_URL": "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/docs/file/New catalog/Picture1.jpg"