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Send file

Send disk file to chat

Function SendFile(Val URL, Val ChatID, Val FileID, Val Description = "", Val Token = "") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
URL--urlStringURL of webhook or a Bitrix24 domain, when token used
ChatID--chatString, NumberChat ID
FileID--fileidString, NumberFile ID from UploadFileToFolder method
Description--descriptionStringFile description
Token--tokenStringAccess token, when app auth method used

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON of answer from Bitrix24 API


Method at API documentation: im.disk.file.commit

Code example
    URL         = "";
ChatID = "642";
File = ""; // Binary Data, URL or path to file
Description = "Very important file";

Directory = OPI_Bitrix24.GetChatFilesFolder(URL, ChatID);
FolderID = Directory["result"]["ID"];

UploadedFile = OPI_Bitrix24.UploadFileToFolder(URL, "Imortant doc.docx", File, FolderID);
FileID = UploadedFile["result"]["ID"];

Result = OPI_Bitrix24.SendFile(URL, ChatID, FileID, Description);

URL = "";
Token = "b529cb66006e9f06006b12e400000001000...";
ChatID = "644";

Directory = OPI_Bitrix24.GetChatFilesFolder(URL, ChatID, Token);
FolderID = Directory["result"]["ID"];

UploadedFile = OPI_Bitrix24.UploadFileToFolder(URL, "Imortant doc.docx", File, FolderID, Token);
FileID = UploadedFile["result"]["ID"];

Result = OPI_Bitrix24.SendFile(URL, ChatID, FileID, Description, Token);
CLI command example
oint bitrix24 SendFile --url "" --chat "452" --fileid "UploadedFile[result][ID]" --description "Very important file" --token "fe3fa966006e9f06006b12e400000001000..."

"result": {
"FILES": {
"upload3254": {
"id": 3254,
"chatId": 254,
"date": {},
"type": "file",
"name": "Imortant doc.docx",
"extension": "docx",
"size": 24071,
"image": false,
"status": "done",
"progress": 100,
"authorId": 1,
"authorName": "Anton Titovets",
"urlPreview": "",
"urlShow": "/bitrix/services/main/ajax.php?",
"urlDownload": "/bitrix/services/main/ajax.php?",
"viewerAttrs": {
"viewer": null,
"viewerType": "cloud-document",
"src": "/bitrix/services/main/ajax.php?",
"viewerTypeClass": "BX.Messenger.Integration.Viewer.OnlyOfficeChatItem",
"viewerSeparateItem": true,
"viewerExtension": "im.integration.viewer",
"objectId": "3254",
"imChatId": 254,
"title": "Imortant doc.docx",
"actions": "[{\"type\":\"download\"},{\"type\":\"copyToMe\",\"text\":\"Save to Bitrix24 Drive\",\"action\":\"BXIM.disk.saveToDiskAction\",\"params\":{\"fileId\":\"3254\"},\"extension\":\"disk.viewer.actions\",\"buttonIconClass\":\"ui-btn-icon-cloud\"}]"
"DISK_ID": [
"upload3254": {
"id": 3254,
"name": "Imortant doc.docx",
"createTime": {},
"updateTime": {},
"deleteTime": null,
"code": null,
"xmlId": null,
"storageId": 6,
"realObjectId": 3254,
"parentId": 3250,
"deletedType": 0,
"createdBy": "1",
"updatedBy": "1",
"deletedBy": "0",
"typeFile": 4,
"globalContentVersion": 2,
"fileId": 2330,
"size": 24071,
"etag": "1179305ea90d0b0fef106e1163deaeb8",
"links": {
"download": "/bitrix/services/main/ajax.php?",
"showInGrid": "/bitrix/tools/disk/focus.php?objectId=3254&action=showObjectInGrid&ncc=1"
"MESSAGE_ID": 5346
"time": {
"start": 1720969175.0006,
"finish": 1720969175.09084,
"duration": 0.0902431011199951,
"processing": 0.0652461051940918,
"date_start": "2024-07-14T14:59:35+00:00",
"date_finish": "2024-07-14T14:59:35+00:00",
"operating_reset_at": 1720969775,
"operating": 0