Get appointment description
Gets the layout to create about delivery in the RegisterDeliveryAppointment function
Function GetAppointmentDescription(Val Clear = False, Val RequiredOnly = False) Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
Clear | --empty | Boolean | ✖ | True > structure with empty valuse, False > field descriptions at values |
RequiredOnly | --required | Boolean | ✖ | True > only required fields will be in the set |
Returns: Structure Of KeyAndValue - Fields structure
Required fields may depend on the type of order or nesting. Be sure to read the CDEK documentation
Field descriptions in the documentation: Registration of delivery appointment
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Result = OPI_CDEK.GetAppointmentDescription();
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
oint cdek GetAppointmentDescription \
--empty true
oint cdek GetAppointmentDescription ^
--empty true
"date": "<Delivery date agreed with the recipient>",
"cdek_number": "<CDEK order number>",
"order_uuid": "<Order identifier in CDEK system>",
"time_from": "<Delivery time FROM agreed with the recipient>",
"time_to": "<Delivery time TO agreed with the recipient>",
"comment": "<Comment>",
"delivery_point": "<Alphanumeric code of CDEK POZ>",
"to_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region": "<Region name>",
"region_code": "<Region code>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the area of the region>",
"city": "<City name>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code>",
"address": "<Address string>"