Delete comment
Deletes comment by ID
Function DeleteComment(Val Token, Val ObjectID, Val CommentID) Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
Token | --token | String | ✔ | Token |
ObjectID | --object | String | ✔ | Identifier of the file or directory where the comment is located |
CommentID | --comment | String | ✔ | Comment identifier |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Google
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Token = "ya29.a0AXeO80QmRD8H3PJ7Q4W_FrA0bUXT3qbvoufjrR5yC_gGUX-q8hpGM_XhHS1OMwb9Q7jPt-2h_AXtmWA2G27GIhpl6szrH7zn4IyFnnDp1...";
Identifier = "1KBkCrnbtPL9j-XfOlI8_-Ioq-AIAzJLI";
CommentID = "AAABeVMWVNg";
Result = OPI_GoogleDrive.DeleteComment(Token, Identifier, CommentID);
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
oint gdrive DeleteComment \
--token "***" \
--object "17b150cqs58Zxuk4izU0cWiKIJZBhO597" \
--comment "AAABeXCGNiY"
oint gdrive DeleteComment ^
--token "***" ^
--object "17b150cqs58Zxuk4izU0cWiKIJZBhO597" ^
--comment "AAABeXCGNiY"