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Update records

Updates the value of records by selected criteria

Function UpdateRecords(Val Table, Val ValueStructure, Val Filters = "", Val Connection = "") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeRequiredDescription
Table--tableStringTable name
ValueStructure--valuesStructure Of KeyAndValueValues structure: Key > field, Value > field value
Filters--filterArray of StructureFilters array. See GetRecordsFilterStrucutre
Connection--dbcString, ArbitraryConnection or connection string

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Result of query execution


Record data is specified as an array of structures of the following type:
{'Field name 1': {'Type': 'Value'}, 'Field name 2': {'Type': 'Value'},...}

The list of available types is described on the initial page of the PostgreSQL library documentation

1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
    Address  = "";
Login = "bayselonarrend";
Password = "12we...";
Base = "test_data";

ConnectionString = OPI_PostgreSQL.GenerateConnectionString(Address, Base, Login, Password);

Table = "test_data";

FieldsStructure = New Structure;
FieldsStructure.Insert("ip_address", New Structure("VARCHAR", ""));

Filters = New Array;

FilterStructure = New Structure;

FilterStructure.Insert("field", "gender");
FilterStructure.Insert("type" , "=");
FilterStructure.Insert("value", New Structure("VARCHAR", "Male"));
FilterStructure.Insert("raw" , False);


// When using the connection string, a new connection is initialised,
// which will be closed after the function is executed.
// If several operations are performed, it is desirable to use one connection,
// previously created by the CreateConnection function()
Result = OPI_PostgreSQl.UpdateRecords(Table, FieldsStructure, FilterStructure, ConnectionString);
    # JSON data can also be passed as a path to a .json file

oint postgres UpdateRecords \
--table "test_data" \
--values "{'ip_address':{'VARCHAR':''}}" \
--filter "[{'field':'gender','type':'=','value':{'VARCHAR':'Male'},'raw':false}]" \
--dbc "postgresql://bayselonarrend:***@"
"result": true