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Save image to album

Saves an image to the community album

Function SaveImageToAlbum(Val AlbumID, Val Image, Val Description = "", Val Parameters = "") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
AlbumID--albumString, NumberAlbum ID
Image--pictureBinaryData,StringImage file
Description--descriptionStringImage description
Parameters--authStructure Of StringAuthorization JSON or path to .json

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from VK

Code example
  Parameters = GetVKParameters();
ImageDescription = "AutoTestImage";
AlbumID = "305187504";

Image = ""; // URL, Path to file or Binary Data
TFN = GetTempFileName("png");
FileCopy(Image, TFN);

Image = New BinaryData(TFN);

Result = OPI_VK.SaveImageToAlbum(AlbumID, Image, ImageDescription, Parameters);

Result = OPI_VK.SaveImageToAlbum(AlbumID, TFN, ImageDescription, Parameters);
CLI command example
oint vk SaveImageToAlbum --album "305187504" --picture " // URL, Path to file or Binary Data" --description %description% --auth "GetVKParameters()"

"response": [
"album_id": 304498513,
"date": 1717072420,
"id": 457244015,
"owner_id": -218861756,
"sizes": [
"height": 56,
"type": "s",
"width": 75,
"url": ""
"height": 97,
"type": "m",
"width": 130,
"url": ""
"height": 453,
"type": "x",
"width": 604,
"url": ""
"height": 605,
"type": "y",
"width": 807,
"url": ""
"height": 960,
"type": "z",
"width": 1280,
"url": ""
"height": 1920,
"type": "w",
"width": 2560,
"url": ""
"height": 97,
"type": "o",
"width": 130,
"url": ""
"height": 150,
"type": "p",
"width": 200,
"url": ""
"height": 240,
"type": "q",
"width": 320,
"url": ""
"height": 382,
"type": "r",
"width": 510,
"url": ""
"text": "AutoTestImage",
"user_id": 100,
"web_view_token": "dcacf60c612a67607b",
"has_tags": false