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Get product description.

Function GetProductDescription() Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Empty product description:

Code example
  Result = OPI_VK.GetProductDescription();
CLI command example
oint vk GetProductDescription

Product = New Map();
Product.Insert("Name", "New product"); // Product name
Product.Insert("Description", "Product description"); // Product description
Product.Insert("Category", "20173"); // See GetProductCategoryList()
Product.Insert("Price", 1); // Price.
Product.Insert("OldPrice", Undefined); // For reflection change price
Product.Insert("MainPhoto", Undefined); // BD or path to main. photo
Product.Insert("URL", Undefined); // Link to page store
Product.Insert("AdditionalPhotos", New Array); // Array paths or BD for add. photo
Product.Insert("PropertyValues", New Array); // Values properties (variants). Maximum 2
Product.Insert("MainInGroup", False); // Make main in of its group
Product.Insert("Width", Undefined); // In millimeters
Product.Insert("Height", Undefined); // In millimeters
Product.Insert("Depth", Undefined); // In millimeters
Product.Insert("Weight", Undefined); // In grams
Product.Insert("SKU", Undefined); // SKU
Product.Insert("AvailableBalance", 1);