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Upload file by URL

Downloads a file to disk from the specified URL

Function UploadFileByURL(Val Token, Val Path, Val Address) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Path--pathStringPath to place the downloaded file
Address--urlStringFile URL

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Yandex

Code example
    Token   = "y0_AgAAAABdylaOAAs0QgAAAAD5i-a...";
Address = "";
Path = "/" + String(New UUID) + ".png";

Result = OPI_YandexDisk.UploadFileByURL(Token, Path, Address);
CLI command example
oint yadisk UploadFileByURL --token "y0_AgAAAABdylaOAA..." --path "/Alpaca.png" --url ""

"templated": false,
"method": "GET",
"href": ""