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Get chat members list

Get chat members list

Function GetChatMembersList(Val URL, Val ChatID, Val Token = "") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
URL--urlStringURL of webhook or a Bitrix24 domain, when token used
ChatID--chatString, NumberChat ID (as chatXXX) or User ID (as XXX)
Token--tokenStringAccess token, when app auth method used

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON of answer from Bitrix24 API


Method at API documentation: im.dialog.users.list

Code example
    URL    = "";
ChatID = "chat" + "642";

Result = OPI_Bitrix24.GetChatMembersList(URL, ChatID);

URL = "";
Token = "b529cb66006e9f06006b12e400000001000...";
UserID = 10;

Result = OPI_Bitrix24.GetChatMembersList(URL, UserID, Token);
CLI command example
oint bitrix24 GetChatMembersList --url "" --chat "chat + 450" --token "fe3fa966006e9f06006b12e400000001000..."

"result": [
"id": 10,
"active": true,
"name": "Techno Pizza",
"first_name": "Techno",
"last_name": "Pizza",
"work_position": null,
"color": "#ab7761",
"avatar": "",
"gender": "M",
"birthday": "",
"extranet": false,
"network": false,
"bot": false,
"connector": false,
"external_auth_id": "socservices",
"status": "online",
"idle": false,
"last_activity_date": "2024-07-13T18:36:23+00:00",
"mobile_last_date": false,
"absent": false,
"departments": [
"phones": false,
"bot_data": null
"id": 1,
"active": true,
"name": "Anton Titovets",
"first_name": "Anton",
"last_name": "Titovets",
"work_position": null,
"color": "#df532d",
"avatar": "",
"gender": "M",
"birthday": "",
"extranet": false,
"network": false,
"bot": false,
"connector": false,
"external_auth_id": "socservices",
"status": "online",
"idle": false,
"last_activity_date": "2024-07-14T09:00:58+00:00",
"mobile_last_date": false,
"absent": false,
"departments": [
"phones": false,
"bot_data": null
"total": 2,
"time": {
"start": 1720969161.4388,
"finish": 1720969161.46946,
"duration": 0.0306570529937744,
"processing": 0.00571608543395996,
"date_start": "2024-07-14T14:59:21+00:00",
"date_finish": "2024-07-14T14:59:21+00:00",
"operating_reset_at": 1720969761,
"operating": 0