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Get categories and product types tree

Returns the categories and types for products in a tree view

Function GetCategoriesAndProductTypesTree(Val ClientID, Val APIKey, Val Lang = "DEFAULT") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
ClientID--clientidStringClient identifier
APIKey--apikeyStringAPI key
Lang--langStringResponse language: DEFAULT (Russian), RU, EN, TR (Turkish), ZH_HANS (Chinese))

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from Ozon Seller API


Product creation is only available in the last level categories, compare exactly with the categories on your site. Categories are not created at the user's request

Carefully choose the category for the product: different commission rates apply for different categories.

Method at API documentation: post /v1/description-category/tree

Code example
    ClientID = "2128753";
APIKey = "7cc90d26-33e4-499b...";

Result = OPI_Ozon.GetCategoriesAndProductTypesTree(ClientID, APIKey, "EN");

Result = OPI_Ozon.GetCategoriesAndProductTypesTree(ClientID, APIKey);
CLI command example
oint ozon GetCategoriesAndProductTypesTree --clientid "2128753" --apikey "7cc90d26-33e4-499b..." --lang %lang%

"result": [
"description_category_id": 17027485,
"category_name": "Хобби и творчество",
"disabled": false,
"children": [
"description_category_id": 88621580,
"category_name": "Оборудование для творчества",
"disabled": false,
"children": [
"type_name": "Пленка для аэрографии",
"type_id": 970849152,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Сопло для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849029,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Набор для чистки аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849022,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Компрессор для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849026,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Аэрограф для творчества",
"type_id": 970843532,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Игла для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849028,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Шланг для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849042,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Расходные материалы для аэрографа",
"type_id": 971880987,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Трафарет для аэрографии",
"type_id": 970849027,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Средство для чистки аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849043,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Диффузор для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849040,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Емкость для аэрографа",
"type_id": 971748069,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Краска для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849024,
"disabled": false,
"children": []
"type_name": "Подставка для аэрографа",
"type_id": 970849041,
"disabled": false,
"children": []