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Get product list

Gets a list of products with or without filter

Function GetProductList(Val ClientID, Val APIKey, Val Filter = "", Val LastID = 0) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
ClientID--clientidStringClient identifier
APIKey--apikeyStringAPI key
Filter--filterStructure of KeyAndValueProduct selection filter. See GetProductsFilterStructure
LastID--lastString, NumberID of the last value (last_id) from the previous response

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from Ozon Seller API


Method at API documentation: post /v2/product/list

Code example
    ClientID = "2128753";
APIKey = "7cc90d26-33e4-499b...";

IDArray = New Array;

Filter = New Structure;
Filter.Insert("visibility" , "ALL");
Filter.Insert("offer_id" , IDArray);

Result = OPI_Ozon.GetProductList(ClientID, APIKey, Filter);
CLI command example
oint ozon GetProductList --clientid "2128753" --apikey "7cc90d26-33e4-499b..." --filter %filter% --last %last%

"result": {
"items": [
"product_id": 1111588191,
"offer_id": "143210608",
"is_fbo_visible": false,
"is_fbs_visible": false,
"archived": false,
"is_discounted": false
"total": 1,
"last_id": "WzExMTE1ODgxOTEsMTExMTU4ODE5MV0="