Replace message keyboard
Replaces the message keyboard with a new one
Function ReplaceMessageKeyboard(Val Token, Val ChatID, Val MessageID, Val Keyboard) Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
Token | --token | String | ✔ | Token |
ChatID | --chat | String, Number | ✔ | Target chat ID |
MessageID | --message | String, Number | ✔ | ID of message to delete |
Keyboard | --keyboard | String, Structure Of KeyAndValue | ✔ | Keyboard. See FormKeyboardFromButtonArray |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Telegram
Method at API documentation: editMessageReplyMarkup
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Token = "6129457865:AAFyzNYOAFbu...";
ChatID = "461699897";
MessageID = "12222";
ButtonArray = New Array;
ButtonArray.Add("New button 3");
ButtonArray.Add("New button 2");
ButtonArray.Add("New button 1");
Keyboard = OPI_Telegram.FormKeyboardFromButtonArray(ButtonArray, True, False);
Result = OPI_Telegram.ReplaceMessageKeyboard(Token, ChatID, MessageID, Keyboard);
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
# JSON data can also be passed as a path to a .json file
oint telegram ReplaceMessageKeyboard \
--token "***" \
--chat "461699897" \
--message "12210" \
--keyboard "{'inline_keyboard':[[{'text':'1','callback_data':'1'},{'text':'2','callback_data':'2'},{'text':'3','callback_data':'3'}]],'rows':1}"
:: JSON data can also be passed as a path to a .json file
oint telegram ReplaceMessageKeyboard ^
--token "***" ^
--chat "461699897" ^
--message "12210" ^
--keyboard "{'inline_keyboard':[[{'text':'1','callback_data':'1'},{'text':'2','callback_data':'2'},{'text':'3','callback_data':'3'}]],'rows':1}"
"ok": true,
"result": {
"message_id": 11820,
"from": {
"id": 6129457865,
"is_bot": true,
"first_name": "Бот Виталий",
"username": "sicheebot"
"chat": {
"id": 461699897,
"first_name": "Anton",
"last_name": "Titowets",
"username": "JKIee",
"type": "private"
"date": 1739049492,
"edit_date": 1739049498,
"text": "Строковое значение",
"reply_markup": {
"inline_keyboard": [
"text": "New button 3",
"callback_data": "New button 3"
"text": "New button 2",
"callback_data": "New button 2"
"text": "New button 1",
"callback_data": "New button 1"