Create gif tweet
Creates a tweet with a gif attachment
Function CreateGifTweet(Val Text, Val GifsArray, Val Parameters = "") Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
Text | --text | String | ✔ | Tweet text |
GifsArray | --gifs | Array of String, BinaryData | ✔ | Gif files array |
Parameters | --auth | Structure Of String | ✖ | Authorization data. See GetStandardParameters |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Twitter
Parameters with Binary data type can also accept file paths on disk and URLs
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Parameters = GetTwitterAuthData();
Text = "TestTweet" + String(New UUID);
GIF = ""; // URL, Binary or Path to file
Gif2 = ""; // URL, Binary or Path to file
GifsArray = New Array;
Result = OPI_Twitter.CreateGifTweet(Text, GifsArray, Parameters);
Text = "TestTweet" + String(New UUID);
Result = OPI_Twitter.CreateGifTweet(Text, GIF, Parameters);
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
# JSON data can also be passed as a path to a .json file
oint twitter CreateGifTweet \
--text "TestTweet017c1546-887d-48b2-be90-34725b1191cf" \
--gifs "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\kxtqtlnrhsn.tmp" \
--auth "{'redirect_uri':'','client_id':'***','client_secret':'***','access_token':'***','refresh_token':'***','oauth_token':'***','oauth_token_secret':'***','oauth_consumer_key':'***','oauth_consumer_secret':'***'}"
:: JSON data can also be passed as a path to a .json file
oint twitter CreateGifTweet ^
--text "TestTweet017c1546-887d-48b2-be90-34725b1191cf" ^
--gifs "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\kxtqtlnrhsn.tmp" ^
--auth "{'redirect_uri':'','client_id':'***','client_secret':'***','access_token':'***','refresh_token':'***','oauth_token':'***','oauth_token_secret':'***','oauth_consumer_key':'***','oauth_consumer_secret':'***'}"
"data": {
"text": "TestTweet27989425-2fb9-4d49-ac50-2b73dff7c69e",
"id": "1843892227023507612",
"edit_history_tweet_ids": [