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Create poll tweet

Creates a tweet with a poll

Function CreatePollTweet(Val Text, Val OptionArray, Val Duration, Val Parameters = "") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Text--textStringTweet text
OptionArray--optionsArray of StringPoll options array
Duration--durationString, NumberPoll duration
Parameters--authStructure Of StringAuthorization JSON or path to .json

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Twitter

Code example
OptionArray = New Array;
OptionArray.Add("Nothing special");

Response = OPI_Twitter.CreatePollTweet("How are you?", OptionArray, 60, Parameters);
Response = OPI_Tools.JSONString(Response);
CLI command example
oint twitter CreatePollTweet --text %text% --options %options% --duration %duration% --auth %auth%

"data": {
"text": "How are you?",
"id": "1746082302268969388",
"edit_history_tweet_ids": [