Get barcode
Gets the barcode CP for the order
Function GetBarcode(Val Token, Val UUID, Val GetFile = False, Val TestAPI = False) Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
Token | --token | String | ✔ | Auth token |
UUID | --uuid | String | ✔ | The UID of the barcode received when the barcode was created |
GetFile | --getfile | Boolean | ✖ | True > PDF file data will be received, False > receives CDEK server response |
TestAPI | --testapi | Boolean | ✖ | Flag to use test API for requests |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue, BinaryData - serialized JSON response from CDEK or a PDF file
The barcode must be previously created. See CreateBarcode
The link to the file with the barcode CP is available within 1 hour
Method at API documentation: Receiving barcode CP for the order
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
Token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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...";
UUID = "72753031-0bf9-4e57-ad29-823ad5938994";
Result = OPI_CDEK.GetBarcode(Token, UUID, , True); // Server response with a URL
TFN = GetTempFileName("pdf");
Result = OPI_CDEK.GetBarcode(Token, UUID, True, True); // PDF
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
oint cdek GetBarcode \
--token "***" \
--uuid "72753031-00be-42f9-9d7c-537b91249416" \
--getfile true \
--testapi "***" \
--out "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\wwudkj5rryl.pdf"
oint cdek GetBarcode ^
--token "***" ^
--uuid "72753031-00be-42f9-9d7c-537b91249416" ^
--getfile true ^
--testapi "***" ^
--out "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\wwudkj5rryl.pdf"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-9cab-476e-b091-50d4c511afd2",
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"copy_count": 1,
"format": "A5",
"url": "",
"lang": "RUS",
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"code": "PROCESSING",
"name": "Формируется",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"code": "READY",
"name": "Сформирован",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "42c93f2b-bfe5-40eb-8927-04dcfb72457d",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []