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Get order description

Gets the layout of order for the CreateOrder function

Function GetOrderDescription(Val Clear = False, Val RequiredOnly = False, Val OnlineStore = False) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeRequiredDescription
Clear--emptyBooleanTrue > structure with empty valuse, False > field descriptions at values
RequiredOnly--requiredBooleanTrue > only required fields will be in the set
OnlineStore--ostoreBooleanFlag of including fields in the layout exclusively for online store orders

Returns: Structure of KeyAndValue - Fields structure


Required fields may depend on the type of order or nesting. Be sure to read the CDEK documentation

Field descriptions in the documentation: Order registration

1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
    Result = OPI_CDEK.GetOrderDescription();
    oint cdek GetOrderDescription \
--empty false
"tariff_code": "<Tariff code)>",
"recipient": {
"company": "<Company name>",
"name": "<Full name of contact person>",
"passport_series": "<Passport series>",
"passport_number": "<Passport number>",
"passport_date_of_issue": "<Date of issue of passport>",
"passport_organization": "<Passport issuing authority>",
"tin": "<TIN>",
"passport_date_of_birth": "<Birth date>",
"email": "<Email as RFC 2822>",
"contragent_type": "<Sender type: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL >",
"phones": [
"number": "<Phone number>",
"additional": "<Additional information (extension number)>"
"packages": [
"number": "<Package number>",
"weight": "<Total weight (grams)>",
"length": "<Package Dimensions. Length (cm)>",
"width": "<Package Dimensions. Width (cm)>",
"height": "<Package Dimensions. Height (cm)>",
"comment": "<Package withommentary>",
"items": [
"name": "<Product name>",
"ware_key": "<Product ID/article>",
"marking": "<Product marking>",
"payment": {
"value": "<Amount of cash on delivery, including VAT>",
"vat_sum": "<VAT amount>",
"vat_rate": "<VAT rate (value - 0, 10, 12, 20, null - no VAT)>"
"cost": "<Declared product price>",
"weight": "<Weight (per unit, grams)>",
"weight_gross": "<Gross weight>",
"amount": "<Number of units (pcs)>",
"name_i18n": "<Foreign language name>",
"brand": "<Brand in a foreign language>",
"country_code": "<Country code of the product manufacturer as ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"material": "<Material code>",
"wifi_gsm": "<Contains wifi or gsm>",
"url": "<Link to the website of the online store with the description of the product>"
"additional_order_types": "<Additional order type>",
"comment": "<Order comment>",
"developer_key": "<Developer key (for module developers)>",
"shipment_point": "<Code of CDEK POZ for self carriage by the customer>",
"delivery_point": "<Code of CDEK office to which the package will be delivered>",
"date_invoice": "<Invoice date>",
"shipper_name": "<Shipper>",
"shipper_address": "<Shippers address>",
"sender": {
"company": "<Company name>",
"name": "<Full name of contact person>",
"email": "<Email for alerts as RFC 2822>",
"passport_series": "<Passport series>",
"passport_number": "<Passport number>",
"passport_date_of_issue": "<Date of issue of passport>",
"passport_organization": "<Passport issuing authority>",
"tin": "<TIN>",
"passport_date_of_birth": "<Birth date>",
"contragent_type": "<Sender type: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL>",
"phones": [
"number": "<Phone number>",
"additional": "<Additional information (extension number)>"
"from_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region": "<Region name, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"region_code": "<CDEK region code, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the region's district, specifying parameter for the region field>",
"city": "<City name, specifying parameter for postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code>",
"address": "<Address string >"
"to_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region": "<Region name, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"region_code": "<CDEK region code, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the region's district, specifying parameter for the region field>",
"city": "<City name, specifying parameter for postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code>",
"address": "<Address string >"
"services": {
"code": "<Type of additional service>",
"parameter": "<Additional service parameter>"
"print": "<Need to generate a document>",
"is_client_return": "<Customer refund>",
"accompanying_number": "<Number of the accompanying consignment note>",
"widget_token": "<Token received from>"