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Get channel user list

Gets a list of users in the specified channel

Function GetChannelUserList(Val Token, Val Channel, Val Cursor = "") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Token--tokenStringBot token
Channel--channelStringChannel ID
Cursor--cursorStringPointer from the previous request, if the result rows > 100

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from Slack

Code example
Channel = "C070VPMKN8J";

Response = OPI_Slack.GetChannelUserList(Token, Channel); //Map
Response = OPI_Tools.JSONString(Response); //JSON string
CLI command example
oint slack GetChannelUserList --token %token% --channel "C070VPMKN8J" --cursor %cursor%

"ok": true,
"members": [
"response_metadata": {
"next_cursor": ""