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Set channel purpose

Sets the channel purpose (description)

Function SetChannelGoal(Val Token, Val Channel, Val Purpose) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Token--tokenStringBot token
Channel--channelStringChannel ID
Purpose--purposeStringChannel purpose

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from Slack

Code example
Purpose = "TestGoal";
Channel = "C070VPMKN8J";

Response = OPI_Slack.SetChannelGoal(Token, Channel, Purpose); //Map
Response = OPI_Tools.JSONString(Response); //JSON string
CLI command example
oint slack SetChannelGoal --token %token% --channel "C070VPMKN8J" --purpose "TestGoal"

"ok": true,
"channel": {
"id": "C070VPMKN8J",
"name": "testconv9a14fe4d-2fb1-4e47-b1e4-9bc1e4f7a05c",
"is_channel": true,
"is_group": false,
"is_im": false,
"is_mpim": false,
"is_private": false,
"created": 1714146542,
"is_archived": false,
"is_general": false,
"unlinked": 0,
"name_normalized": "testconv9a14fe4d-2fb1-4e47-b1e4-9bc1e4f7a05c",
"is_shared": false,
"is_org_shared": false,
"is_pending_ext_shared": false,
"pending_shared": [],
"context_team_id": "T06UD92BS3C",
"updated": 1714146542983,
"parent_conversation": null,
"creator": "U06UG1CAYH2",
"is_ext_shared": false,
"shared_team_ids": [
"pending_connected_team_ids": [],
"is_member": false,
"topic": {
"value": "TestTopic",
"creator": "U06UG1CAYH2",
"last_set": 1714146542
"purpose": {
"value": "TestGoal",
"creator": "U06UG1CAYH2",
"last_set": 1714146542
"previous_names": []