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Delete products without SKU

Deletes products without SKU from archive

Function DeleteProductsWithoutSKU(Val ClientID, Val APIKey, Val Articles) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
ClientID--clientidStringClient identifier
APIKey--apikeyStringAPI key
Articles--articlesString, Number, Array of String, NumberProducts articles

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from Ozon Seller API


The product must be pre-archived (see ArchiveProducts)

Up to 500 identifiers can be passed in one request

Method at API documentation: post /v2/products/delete

Code example

ClientID = "2128753";
APIKey = "7cc90d26-33e4-499b...";
ProductID = "1111588191";

Result = OPI_Ozon.ArchiveProducts(ClientID, APIKey, ProductID);

Article = "143210609";

Result = OPI_Ozon.DeleteProductsWithoutSKU(ClientID, APIKey, Article);
CLI command example
oint ozon DeleteProductsWithoutSKU --clientid "2128753" --apikey "7cc90d26-33e4-499b..." --articles %articles%

"status": [
"offer_id": "143210608",
"is_deleted": true,
"error": ""