Get product description
Get product description by IDs
Function GetProductDescription(Val ClientID, Val APIKey, Val ProductID = 0, Val Article = "") Export
Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
ClientID | --clientid | String | ✔ | Client identifier |
APIKey | --apikey | String | ✔ | API key |
ProductID | --productid | String, Number | ✖ | Product identifier |
Article | --offerid | String, Number | ✖ | Item identifier in the vendor's system (Article) |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Ozon Seller API
Method at API documentation: post /v1/product/info/description
1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
ClientID = "2479669";
APIKey = "09f65e9f-262d-4aca...";
Article = "143210609";
Result = OPI_Ozon.GetProductDescription(ClientID, APIKey, , Article);
- Bash
- CMD/Bat
oint ozon GetProductDescription \
--clientid "***" \
--apikey "***" \
--offerid "143210609"
oint ozon GetProductDescription ^
--clientid "***" ^
--apikey "***" ^
--offerid "143210609"
"result": {
"id": 1215763512,
"offer_id": "143210609",
"name": "Protective film set for X3 NFC. Dark cotton",
"description": ""