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Answer button event

Returns a response to the user when a keyboard button is pressed

Function AnswerButtonEvent(Val Token, Val EventID, Val Text = "", Val URL = "", Val AsAlert = False) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Token--tokenStringBot token
EventID--queryidStringIdentifier of the callback query received by the bot
Text--textStringAnswer text
URL--urlStringURL to be opened by the client application
AsAlert--showalertBooleanDisplay the answer as an alert)

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from VK Teams


This method call should be used in response to receiving a callbackQuery event

Method at API documentation: GET /messages/answerCallbackQuery

Code example
    Token  = "001.3501506236.091...";
LastID = 0;

For N = 1 To 5 Do

Result = OPI_VKTeams.GetEvents(Token, LastID, 3);
Events = Result["events"];

If Not Events.Count() = 0 Then

For Each Event In Events Do

callbackData = Event["payload"];

If callbackData["callbackData"] = "ButtonEvent1" Then

EventID = callbackData["queryId"];
Result = OPI_VKTeams.AnswerButtonEvent(Token, EventID, "Get it!");



LastID = Events[Events.UBound()]["eventId"];


CLI command example
oint vkteams AnswerButtonEvent --token "001.3501506236.091..." --queryid %queryid% --text %text% --url %url% --showalert %showalert%