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Resend voice

Sends a previously uploaded voice message by ID

Function ResendVoice(Val Token, Val ChatID, Val FileID) Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeRequiredDescription
Token--tokenStringBot token
ChatID--chatidString, NumberChat ID for sending
FileID--fileidString, NumberFile ID of voice message

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from VK Teams


Method at API documentation: GET /messages/sendVoice

1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example
    Token  = "001.3501506236.091...";
ChatID = "AoLI0egLWBSLR1Ngn2w";
FileID = "I000bxsNsqvlJE983xmMQl67b429ac1bd";

Result = OPI_VKTeams.ResendVoice(Token, ChatID, FileID);
    oint vkteams ResendVoice \
--token "***" \
--chatid "AoLI0egLWBSLR1Ngn2w" \
--fileid "I000bchRd0rCO5s7fGbNEI67b464f41bd"
"fileId": "I000bPC37Th9syNcxyaG4r670621651bd",
"msgId": "7423657774917093693",
"ok": true