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Make action button

Forms an action button for the message keyboard (see SendTextMessage)

Function MakeActionButton(Val Text, Val Value = "", Val URL = "", Val Style = "base") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Text--textStringButton text
Value--dataStringThe value returned in the event. Only if the URL is not filled
URL--urlStringURL to create the page open button. Only if the Value is not filled in
Style--styleStringButton style: primary, attention or base

Returns: Structure - Button for keyboard

Code example
    Keyboard         = New Array;
ButtonsLineArray = New Array;

ButtonsLineArray.Add(OPI_VKTeams.MakeActionButton("Button1", "ButtonEvent1", , "attention"));

ButtonsLineArray.Add(OPI_VKTeams.MakeActionButton("Button2", , ""));

CLI command example
oint vkteams MakeActionButton --text %text% --data %data% --url %url% --style %style%

"text": "Button1",
"callbackData": "ButtonEvent1",
"style": "attention"
"text": "Button2",
"url": "",
"style": "base"
"text": "Button1",
"callbackData": "ButtonEvent1",
"style": "attention"
"text": "Button2",
"url": "",
"style": "base"