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Resend file

Sends a previously uploaded file by ID

Function ResendFile(Val Token, Val ChatID, Val FileID, Val Text = "", Val FileName = "", Val Markup = "MarkdownV2") Export

ParameterCLI optionTypeDescription
Token--tokenStringBot token
ChatID--chatidString, NumberChat ID for sending
FileID--fileidString, NumberFile ID to send
Text--textStringFile caption
FileName--filenameStringDisplayed file name
Markup--parsemodStringMarkup type for message text: MarkdownV2 or HTML

Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - Serialized JSON response from VK Teams


Method at API documentation: GET /messages/sendFile

Code example
    Token  = "001.3501506236.091...";
ChatID = "AoLI0egLWBSLR1Ngn2w";
FileID = "z4jogAQwvZkNzuErMbBNHa66cb1e6f1bd";
Text = "File caption";

Result = OPI_VKTeams.ResendFile(Token, ChatID, FileID, Text, "SameDoc.docx");
CLI command example
oint vkteams ResendFile --token "001.3501506236.091..." --chatid "AoLI0egLWBSLR1Ngn2w" --fileid "sXhpbA5K2ZCOdG5ROIfRan66ba356d1bd" --text "File caption" --filename %filename% --parsemod %parsemod%

"fileId": "vqgXEg5z1gyjeolUD8vFEK66bb96aa1bd",
"msgId": "7402676090876985564",
"ok": true